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Salut! Nadiah Mubari // 97's. No Copycate Here. Please Be Nice.You may leave your footprints at my cbox

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Okay , skunk nie aq dah rarely ONLINE FB and update blog , sebab sebok dengan homework laa macam2 , shit tol ! mule skola je aq dah x boleh online FB selalu , aiyaa sangat bohsan , haha :P balek skola mandi teros kene baca buku , ishh ! First masok sekola macm2 muke dak Form 1 aq jumpe , haha , ade yang gemok laa , hidong besar laa * jahat uh aq . Paling benci aq ade la jumpe dak Form 1 2 3 orang cm too , dengan selamba badak die x pakai tudong , ewah3 koe ingat sekola bapak koe sesuka hati x pakai tudong , pikir koe lawa x pakai tudong , kalo lawa x pe juga , nie macam cipan dah aq tengok , hahaha =P


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